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Client Says

日常肌膚護理 * 使用年期:4年以上
I have used these skin products for almost 4 years, the quality of these products is much higher than you ever expect. The products will be tailor-made for your skin and thus are suitable for all types of skin. They will be adjusted according to the seasons, so you will always feel nourishing. They are creamy in texture and thus can easily glides across the skin. They are also absorbed quickly, making skin always hydrated and plumped. Aromatherapy oil may be added in some products, especially night cream, the scent definitely make you feel relaxed after a long work day. One thing I really appreciate is all the products are made at the time we order and are free of preservatives, thus they are all fresh and good for your skin. Of course the most important point is the products really work, making the skin look smoother and glowsy. So I highly recommend you to use these products and have this wonderful experience.
日常肌膚護理 * 使用年期:1.5年
暗粒情況有無改善? 我覺得都少咗30%,用咗你整嘅護膚品係改善咗,無出咁多油,感覺好好。 之前搽,覺得好厚,會痴住頭髮,但唔理佢,轉頭又無咗白色架喎,吸晒入去。 買咗就要搽,我真係有盡力用你整俾我嘅嘢架!用咗返唔到轉頭,你見我keep住用就知啦!

暗瘡芳療詢咨 * 使用年期:6年

細心分釋, 用心調配~! 開心大小姐可以好好呼呼同見返但個真哥窿 ! 多謝香皂工房 。 話說大小姐升小一之後鼻敏感越嚟越嚴重,仲波及到 眼痕 ! 見但日日捽眼,初初以為小動作,後來先知係敏感到眼痕! 後嚟,搵左個好出名耳鼻喉科睇吓啦 ! 醫生話我哋咁遲先搵佢,呢啲三歲就要搵佢 ! 因為大小姐個鼻腔損晒,只可以食藥止住先。 敏感藥,有食過嘅人都了解,係好攰嘅, 但無疑嘅係好止得住先啲眼鼻痕, 令但可以舒服少少, 但我哋個錢包就好痕啦...... 直到近期見到個Post話精油可以幫到手,咁就了解吓 啦!袁太好細心咁解釋同話我知點用,同了解咗大小姐情況完再調配。果然,用咗之後大小姐各方面都減輕咗。 係人都知我疑心重啦,再加上我懶,用咗一個半星期,我就停咗,點知……小姐發到豬頭咁,一照入去,直頭唔見咗個窿。過多幾日,食晒過敏藥都係塞死咗。我又 醒起精油,我又試吓龍興鳳。嗰晚一試,第二朝我見返大 小姐個鼻哥窿!勁感動,阿囡話可以正常呼吸。 我唔敢再偷懶,要記得同囡揸+埋支增強抵抗力嘅精油按摩, 三管齊下 ,希望大家都有覺好訓。 大小姐最後仲好好笑咁同我講:“點解個姨姨咁好人同咁勁,可以令我呼吸到嘅,佢好叻呀!” 無論點都好,做阿媽嘅我只係見到阿囡個鼻哥窿,都可以 開心一大餐 ! 多謝晒袁太 !